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There could be several possible revenue producing opportunities for GroupWork2.0.


An introductory version could involve free or minimal charge for the GroupWork2.0 app with revenue obtained from in-app advertising. This approach would allow opportunity to experience the app before purchasing or moving to a subscription level and/or a complete hosted solution. Google currently operates many of their apps for free so GroupWork2.0 would be an additional product to keep people within the Google family. This version would be separate from the Education Suite as  some features in the Education Suite would not be applicable to this user group. A subscription based offering could be integrated into Google Education Suite with relative ease.


Subscription level would provide increased administrative control, organization-based logins, and be free from advertising. Privacy concerns are also very important for educational websites and applications. A subscription option would be preferable for k-12 institutions whereby teachers provide oversight for the collaborative working environment to ensure that children are not exposed to inappropriate media. The K-12 sector and the post-secondary sector indicate that privacy of student information is an important consideration when using educational technologies (MME, 2014).


A fully hosted service suite would provide additional revenue by relieving educational organizations from having to provide the web servers and support personnel.   Economies of scale from using a common platform to host multiple customers increases the operating margin.

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